Replication studies have not been a part of scientific quality control in the humanities, especially in the humanities that work digitally. The [[http://replicatio.science/|pilot project **(Ir)reproducibility of Scientific Research in the Digital Humanities?**]] aims to create a paradigmatic basis for systematic replication studies as a methodological extension to classical hermeneutics for all text-oriented and digitally working humanities.
This wiki, which is maintained using the open source software [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki|DokuWiki]], is used for project documentation, the process by which a collection of key documents are created, organized, and managed. It is divided into different sections, which are organized into so-called [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/de:namespaces|namespaces]]. On the left side, an [[de:replicatio?do=index|overview]] of all posted content can be listed via the Website Tools Sitemap.
* [[en:glossar:replicatio| What are replication studies?]]: Replication, reanalysis, reproduction, follow-up research, reinterpretation, reuse.
* [[en:glossar:sop| What is meant by SOP?]]: Procedural instructions in research.
* [[en:glossar:greekbetacode| What does ancient Greek beta code look like?]]: Overview of the main beta-code transcriptions of ancient Greek.
* [[en:glossar:glossar]]: Brief explanations of the vocabulary and acronyms.
* [[en:eaqua:eaqua]]: Short documentation for the eAQUA portal.\\ A detailed manual on working with eAQUA has been published in the [[https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeum/catalog/series/dcb|Digital Classics Books]] series and is available as a free PDF file [[https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.431|here]].
* [[en:eaqua:portal]]: Demonstrate co-occurrence analysis and parallel passage search.
* [[en:eaqua:export]]: File formats when exporting search results.
* [[en:eaqua:significance]]: Dice, Jaccard, Poisson, Log-Likelihood.
* [[http://replicatio.science/#m4|Imprint]]
* [[http://replicatio.science/|Replicatio project website]]
* [[http://replicatio.science/~khk/measuredisplay/|Visualization of distance measures]]
* [[http://www.eaqua.net/~khk/eaquaportal/|eAQUA digital resources]]
* [[https://www.uni-trier.de/universitaet/fachbereiche-faecher/fachbereich-iii/faecher/geschichte/profil/fachgebiete/alte-geschichte-1/home-und-aktuelles|University of Trier / FB III / Ancient History]]
* [[https://www.gkr.uni-leipzig.de/historisches-seminar/institut/professuren/alte-geschichte|University of Leipzig / GKR / Ancient History]]
* [[https://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/en|Project funder VolkswagenStiftung]]