yellow2: leoCAD models / Code / Ressources / other robot instructions / lego theory

To build the yellow2 robot please follow the instructions 1-9. These instructions will guide you through the construction of the larger parts. The instruction 10 shows how to assemble the larger parts of the robot. Find other instructions related to the tooling of the robot.

Instruction 1: Part of yellow2 robot, left side of the diving unit.
Instruction 2: Part of yellow2 robot, the lift rails part.
Instruction 3: Part of yellow2 robot, lift carrier and tooling platform.
Instruction 4: Part of yellow2 robot, the internal sensing unit.
Instruction 5: Part of yellow2 robot, the central computing unit.
Instruction 6: Part of yellow2 robot, right side of the diving unit.
Instruction 7: Part of yellow2 robot, upper black grille construction (cable guide).
Instruction 8: Part of yellow2 robot, lower black grille construction.
Instruction 9: Part of yellow2 robot, the backfacing shild.
Instruction 10: Complete robot yellow2 from model parts.
Instruction 11: A griping fork tooling for yellow2 robot.
Instruction 12: A horizotal rotor tooling for yellow2 robot.
Instruction 13: A push pull tooling for yellow2 robot.
Instruction 14: Lifting bridge tooling for yellow2 robot.