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Replicatio documentation
Replication studies have not been a part of scientific quality control in the humanities, especially in the humanities that work digitally. The pilot project **(Ir)reproducibility of Scientific Research in the Digital Humanities?** aims to create a paradigmatic basis for systematic replication studies as a methodological extension to classical hermeneutics for all text-oriented and digitally working humanities.
This wiki, which is maintained using the open source software DokuWiki, is used for project documentation, the process by which a collection of key documents are created, organized, and managed. It is divided into different sections, which are organized into so-called namespaces. On the left side, an overview of all posted content can be listed via the Website Tools Sitemap.
- What are replication studies?: Replication, reanalysis, reproduction, follow-up research, reinterpretation, reuse.
- What is meant by SOP?: Procedural instructions in research.
- What does ancient Greek beta code look like?: Overview of the main beta-code transcriptions of ancient Greek.
- What does ... mean?: Brief explanations of the vocabulary and acronyms.
Section in this wiki
- eAQUA – Extraktion von strukturiertem Wissen aus Antiken Quellen für die Altertumswissenschaft: Short documentation for the eAQUA portal.
A detailed manual on working with eAQUA has been published in the Digital Classics Books series and is available as a free PDF file here. - The eAQUA portal: Demonstrate co-occurrence analysis and parallel passage search.
- Export of search results: File formats when exporting search results.
- Significance measures in the assessment of co-occurrences: Dice, Jaccard, Poisson, Log-Likelihood.
Section in this wiki
Project links
Further cross references to the project